Here, amidst the cacophony of the world's narratives, we offer a different story.

A story where every act is an act of love, every choice a step towards interbeing,
and every moment an opportunity to contribute to a tapestry of collective thriving.

This is a story that needs to be shared…

Past Speaking Engagements:

next frontiers conference | June 2024

Aubrey was a featured storyteller in the ‘Re-Imagining Wealth & Resourcing the Ruptures’ Conversation Circle at the Next Frontiers Conference - Stewarding Wealth for People & Planet.

We gather to reimagine how we move wealth in service of all human and planetary flourishing, in ways that truly step outside of extractive systems. What might it look and feel like to be working across networks of experimentation and emergence into alternative modes of being accountable to people & planet? How can we cultivate new kinds of connection, sharing and abundance... resourcing and investing in sites of rupture and cultivating new response-abilities as stewards of wealth?

Earth in transition | June 2024

Aubrey co-facilitated ‘Co-Create’ at the Earth In Transition Gathering on 23 June 2024. 

Inviting Transition Assemblies wherever there’ll be humans willing to DREAM WITH THE EARTH.  It took 100 telescopes to take the first citrus of a black hole. How many groups will gaze into Evolution and bring back essential pathways to regenerate Civilization? What will be glancing ack at us? How are we going to meet the unknown ahead? Only a Creative Act will tell. The Seeds thus formulated will be shared on June 24 in the form of ecosystemic designs - vibrant, alive, ready for appropriation and implementation.

Planet local summit | September 2023

Local Futures is a pioneer of the worldwide localization movement whose focus is on ‘going local’ as a key strategy for restoring ecological, social and spiritual wellbeing. 

Held in Bristol in the fall of 2023 Aubrey helped to ground the Local Futures conference with scenarios and visualizations of the dominant, continued growth future and the preferred future of local, human scale economies of thriving.  

Interested in having us speak at an upcoming event?

We’d love to hear from you!