This is a gathering space, a portal, a center for societal metamorphosis, a temple of our beloved futures that we collectively imagine and bring into being.

Hokuao Temple & Eluawaipili Syntropic Farm
Hokuao - A Temple of Our Beloved Futures
Hokuao is the Hawaiian name for Venus, the morning star, goddess of love, peace and reconciliation. Hokuao is the star that helped fisherman/voyagers find their way home back to the islands in the morning.
She was known as a chiefess, a feminine leader and wayfinder. This was the ancient farmer’s star. When Hokuao moved into its place as the morning star, it signaled to farmers to begin the planting season.
Hokuao temple arises in this transition time to help us wayfind towards new, life-centric, syntropic futures collectively, with ‘aina, earth, as our primary guide and ally.
This is a gathering space, a portal, a center for societal metamorphosis, a temple of our beloved futures that we collectively imagine and bring into being.
These healing spaces anchor vibrations of peace and right relations at all levels of Life: ‘Aina and non-human relations, self, community, planet.
Explore our farm and temple events here.
We hold at our center a vision of life-affirming, syntropic systems guided by Gaia’s grace, wisdom and radical abundance.
We are devoted to the manifestation of
beauty as the language of truth.
Peace with ‘aina, wai and our other than human family, healing and reconciling right relations through permaculture, soil health, biodynamic & syntropic practices and restorative healing of the wai, sacred waters.
Peace with self and community, reconciling and restoring right relations through healing practices and circle technologies that invite a return to wholeness and innocence.
A place of sacred rest, restoration and nourishment for spirit.

Ways to Experience our Farm & Temple
Retreats at Hokuao Temple
For groups seeking to advance our shared philosophies.
Farm Residency
If you are an artist, healer or tender of the land, we invite you to stay at Eluawaipili Farm and share your work with the community.
Farm Stay
Experience life at Eluawaipili Farm and stay in one of our tiny cabins.
Work Exchange
For anyone interested in diving in and learning the work of a living farm and healing center, we invite you to stay at Eluawaipili Farm as a work exchange.