The world is changing all around us…

I know in my bones that, contrary to the evening news, a new and more beautiful way of human-ing on the planet is being birthed.

One that is in right relation with Earth (Gaia), embracing the truth of Inter-being.

The Beloved Futures podcast is a space of soul nourishment. Where we explore what is going right with the world and give space to the blessed imaginings of the Beloved Futures we are collectively creating. 

Each episode, I will connect with individuals and collectives who are actively engaged with and devoted to catalyzing beloved futures.  These conversations with artists, healers, teachers, creators, storytellers, farmers, spiritual leaders, mothers and others on the frontlines of the imagination revolution are aimed at supporting all of us as we rise into our creative potential as human BE-comings.

The time is now, there is no other moment than the present. Together we are a force.

And so it is… 

“The ultimate, hidden truth of the world is that it is something that we make, and could just as easily make differently.”

~ David Graeber