Futures Consulting
& Facilitation

Radical transformation becomes possible when we work at the nexus of futures thinking, systems thinking and design to co-dream emerging, life-affirming futures of interbeing.  

Our consultancy is equipped to craft and implement highly skilled facilitation, creation of curated learning journeys & accelerator spaces, futures theatre, and immersive design experiences.  

We work with clients who are ready and willing to creatively and courageously interrogate the systems and cultural narratives that produce and justify ecological breakdown, extraction, and structural inequality.  

Read about some of our current and past projects below -

Culture Hack Labs & the Rhizome Fellowship

Narrative-led Systems Change for Futures of Interbeing

As the relational director at Culture Hack Labs, Aubrey facilitates the Rhizome Fellowship, a program for narrative change practitioners focused on the transition to a post-Anthropocentric world. She also leads network building and systems change projects using the Culture Hack methodology.

Currently they are supporting a network focused on the Future of Work(ers) for the Ford Foundation.  

Project Biome

A Humanity Living in Harmony with Nature

As the Executive Director and Steward of Living Systems for Project Biome, Aubrey is supporting the launch of the global mission and vision for this organization.

Project Biome’s guiding star is to serve as the connective tissue for organizations around the world working towards regeneration, rewilding and reconnecting human cultures with nature.  

We select clients based on a shared, explicit intention to re-world ourselves and the systems we engage with towards futures of shared -

thriving, justice, love and liberation

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